

This is the first course to become a PADI professional diver. You will expand your diving knowledge and you will improve your techniques and your leading skills. This level qualifies you for supervising diving activities and for helping the instructors. Ready to start this adventure?

More info at or call us at 933 077 318

Course Duration and Program


  • 60 hours aprox
  • 1 month if you do it intensively
  • You can do it at the weekends during the summer
  • Develop higher level techniques knowledge
  • Demonstration-level diving techniques
  • Training in simulated and real practices


  • Instructional kit and course’s book
  • Practices necessary equipment
  • PADI certificationI
  • It doesn’t include PADI taxes


  • Diving insurance (if you don’t have it you can get it here)
  • Have 20 registered dives in your logbook for starting the course
  • Have 60 registered dives for getting the certification
  • PADI ADVANCED OPEN WATER DIVER certification or equivalent
  • PADI RESCUE DIVER or equivalent
  • Emergency first rescue certification and RCP with less than 2 years.
  • 18 years’ old or more

Before starting your PADI course you have to fill out and send us the following questionnaire to check if you need to pass a medical aptitude will open in a new tab)

You will get a PADI official Divemaster certification recognized all around the world. It will allow you to assist instructors on the students’ education, supervising diving activities, organizing and guiding, among other activities. También podrás DIRIGIR programas de bautizos de mar si solicitas el Divemaster DSD!!!

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